
Recognizing Clues to Business Identity Theft

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This week, the IRS is releasing all sorts of good information to raise awareness among business owners about data security and steps you can take to further secure your business. This week is the 4th annual Nation Tax Security Awareness Week. This week we can all sit back, take a deep breath, and ponder ways to enhance the online security within our organizations and when handling sensitive information between ourselves and our clients.

Today’s targeted focus is about ways you can secure your business practices and even your business IDENTITY. Just like your personal identity can be stolen and used by malicious individuals, your business can face similar threats.

Some common signs that the IRS has identified (and we want to share with you), are listed out below:

  1. An e-filed return is rejected because a duplicate is already on file with the IRS.

  2. Routine extensions to file requests are rejected.

  3. An unexpected receipt of a tax transcript or an IRS notice is received.

  4. Failure to receive expected and routine correspondence from the IRS, which can be an indicator an identity thief has changed the address.

For more information, check out IRS publication 4524:

We interact with the IRS as business owners, client service providers, and individuals - it’s great to keep your eyes open to these types of clues that something “phishy’ is going on with your business. Reach out to us today if you want to discuss how to assess your cybersecurity practices and risks.